How does the translation process work?
We first offer you a free-of-charge consultation, where we analyze in detail your specific needs and define the most suited solution. We agree on a deadline and a price and send you a purchase order.
Before we start translating, we conduct a preliminary research to get familiar with the terminology and style of your specific sector.
During the project execution phase, especially for large volumes, we regularly inform you about the overall project status and, if necessary, send you our questions.
Once the translation is done, we perform a final review to polish our work. After delivery, we provide you with ongoing support for any request regarding the final copy.
How long does it take?
When it comes to technical translation, which regularly involves extensive research, we can comfortably translate around 2500 words/day. We reach higher speeds for non-specialized content.
If needed, we can also handle rush projects, working extra hours and dividing tasks between us to deliver faster.
How much does it cost?
It depends on the project’s complexity and difficulty, your requirements and other factors.
Every request is different and must be assessed separately. We always strive to come up with the best solution according to your specific needs and budget. Contact us now for a quote.
What are your payment terms and conditions?
Payment term is 30 days end of month from invoice date.
Payments are generally performed via bank transfer. If needed, we also accept other options such as Paypal.
Do you use translation tools?
Like most professional translators, we make use of CAT (computer assisted translation) tools.
These are not to be confused with machine translation. CAT tools assist us in various ways, such as maintaining the original document’s layout, creating and managing glossaries, ensuring consistency and more.
Who has access to the documents I send you?
We guarantee the utmost confidentiality regarding all information and documents entrusted to us. Any document sent to us will be processed exclusively by us and shall under no circumstances be disclosed to third parties.
How do you ensure quality?
We follow the traditional native speaker principle, translating exclusively in our mother tongues, and we only accept projects that fall under our specialization areas.
Thanks to our teamwork, we bring together our respective skills and provide two sets of eyes instead of one. As an engineer, Pierre-Yves is undoubtedly your best guarantee when it comes to terminology and technical accuracy.
We make use of CAT software (see above: “Do you use translation tools?”), specialized dictionaries and many other tools that help us deliver the best possible result.
What if I need services in language pairs you do not handle?
As mentioned above, to ensure the highest level of quality, we exclusively translate in our respective native languages. If you need services in another language pair, we can recommend you one of our trusted colleagues.
What document format do you handle? What about PDF documents?
We can easily handle any type of editable format (Word, PowerPoint, RTF, InDesign, etc.). Thanks to the use of CAT tools (see above: “Do you use translation tools?”), the translated document’s layout will look exactly like the original.
We do handle PDF files as well, although they generally require extra work and we cannot always guarantee the same layout as the original. Which is why, we recommend you to send us your source document in an editable format whenever possible.